Monday 9 February 2009

Refined Script

Shot 1: (Music)

Shot 2: (Music cont.)

Shot 3: (Music cont.)

Shot 4: "You see this guy? *shouldered by passing student, drops books* yeah, that's me."

Shot 5: *staring at books on the floor* "I'd like to think myself as a passive warrior, a bitch of the system. *sigh* How depressing."

Shot 6: *passing friend in corridor* "That's my friend ... He's one of the obliviously high-ego, naive types, in other words, an asshole. But I'm one of the few who he actually likes, the feeling's mutual."

Shot 7: "That's Sarah, she's the kind of the girl who... well, isn't really a people person lets just say. Definitely my type.

Shot 8: "despite everything, i have a feeling this is going to be a good day" *projectile hits him in the head*

End of opening sequence.

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